Win a copy of the excellent Karst, Caves & People!!


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I've been asked 'How do I add an avatar?'

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then Modify profile

then Forum Profile

then Upload an Avatar

Go on, have a go  ;)

Joe Duxbury

The avatar I have chosen is a sculpture by a pupil of Rodin's, who went by the pseudonym of Jean-Jacques Souterrain. As his name suggests, he was a keen speleo. Rodin's sculpture inspired him to produce the one I've shown.


Staff member
Pegasus said:
Joe Duxbury said:
How can the unlucky non-winners get copies of this book?

I'll find out if you enter  ;) ;)

Thanks for entering, Joe - had hoped a few more folks would do the same.

Hopefully this link will shed some light on how you buy a copy of this lovely book:


New member
Mine is the result of a lot of piddling about with manual lenses and trying to stand very still on a purely photographic trip to Penarth mine with several other like minded idiots that like cameras and dark stuff.

Ian Ball

Well-known member
I disable avatars so it looks a more work related forum, not that the big bank of smileys is work related and who is looking now we're all working at home!


Active member
My pic is the giant stal in Pol-an-ionion. Back in the '70s (pre show cave) on a trip by T.S.G. I decided to definitively measure this giant stal (using clino and tape) so Gussie O'Conner at the pub could tell folk the actual size.
I don't remember the actual result but its all written up in the club log book for that period.
Since then the cave has been enlarged to enable conversion to a show cave and the stal has been laser measured to within a few cm. of my calculation.
I still have the booklet of school trig tables given to me by Gussies son to do the calculation.--
My avatar is a drawing of me by Dominika from a trip to Peak Cavern (you can see the logo at the bottom). It's at the Devil's Staircase (the end of the showcave), and captures me telling the freshers about the 'slide' (actually a mount for a film camera afaik). I chose it because I think it captures my likeness well, and I'm a big fan of her art.

The trip was a classic Peak Round, and Dome and a friend had joined us for artistic purposes. We were told not to wait around, so all the drawings were made on the fly, which I thought was quite impressive. It was quite a well documented trip actually, as I think this was the one where we ran into the Freems making their Peak Cavern films. As we went past a fresher tried to follow me up a muddy slope and slid bambi style back down in an excellent manner. The film crew were so pleased with this shot that they asked us if they could put it in the final film!

I think there's definitely a case for cave sketching becoming more common as it's much cheaper and less faff than photography. Only problem is that I suspect it's much harder to do decently...


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Staff member
I have bowed to pressure.  Not peer pressure as such, but Pegasus pressure (nagging  ;)). 

Here is a muddy faced picture of me taken around the time of the Three Counties breakthrough.  Lancashire mud if I remember rightly.



New member
Hmm.. go on then.

My profile picture was taken pretty much exactly one year ago at Bull Pot Farm, just prior to heading down Lancaster Hole for a jolly along the mainstream. The face covering was partly for effect when taking the picture in very early covid times, although it was also pretty cold so actually much needed! It was definitely a strange afternoon/evening driving up the M6 and hearing on the news that the closure of all pubs etc started that night, we made sure to exit in good enough time for pub o'clock, little did we know just how long it would take before we would get chance to do it again.


Well-known member
Pegasus said:
I've been asked 'How do I add an avatar?'

Go to Profile

then Modify profile

then Forum Profile

then Upload an Avatar

Go on, have a go  ;)

Just sat here thinking that, if I can do this, anyone can.

Which prompts me to mention that Pegasus has always been extremely encouraging and patient with me when I've struggled with technology. I'm very grateful!  (y)


Staff member
Pitlamp said:
Pegasus said:
I've been asked 'How do I add an avatar?'

Go to Profile

then Modify profile

then Forum Profile

then Upload an Avatar

Go on, have a go  ;)

Just sat here thinking that, if I can do this, anyone can.

Which prompts me to mention that Pegasus has always been extremely encouraging and patient with me when I've struggled with technology. I'm very grateful!  (y)

Ha, you're so welcome  ;)  Believe me, anyone who knows my 'prowess' (not) with technology will know I'm no expert.

I do try hard to keep the competitions interesting, especially during lockdown as anything we can do to help keep folks entertained is to the good surely.

Would love to see some more avatars added/described folks - I'm genuinely interested and there are a fair few I'd love to see included on here.  Ends tomorrow evening, so go on, have a go, cheers, Pegasus  (y)


Well-known member
ChrisJC said:
Pitlamp said:
Blimey - it did work!
's funny - you look nothing like I expected!


I don't normally - but I'm sure you'll appreciate as much as anyone the cosmetic effects of cold water on the face for extended periods.

For anyone uncertain what I'm on about (and to explain my avatar), cave divers can look even more ugly than usual after long submersions. The skin of the face absorbs water, leading to swollen cheeks and forehead, together with what is known as "guppy lips". It's not unusual to be unable to articulate words properly with the thick rubbery lips that result, making the affected person look like a right idiot!  :LOL: The best and fastest remedy is usually a couple of pints in a nice warm boozer!


New member
Just happy to have found a photo of me that I actually like.  I hate having my photo taken so don't usually get a smiley one.  Bonus is that it was taken about 10 years ago - forever young  :clap:

Ian P

Staff member
Given in to this ?cyber bullying? :eek: by Pegasus

Picture from exiting the Berger in 2019 on a club trip.
We have ?booked? a place for this summer?s ?clean up? event.
Not holding out much hope I will be able to update my pic  :thumbsdown:


Staff member
Ian P said:
Given in to this ?cyber bullying? :eek: by Pegasus

Picture from exiting the Berger in 2019 on a club trip.
We have ?booked? a place for this summer?s ?clean up? event.
Not holding out much hope I will be able to update my pic  :thumbsdown:

Ha, great thank you for entering. Point of order - I didn't cyber bully Ian directly, just with my posts above  ;) ;) ;)


Well-known member
Picture from exiting the Berger in 2019 on a club trip.
We have ?booked? a place for this summer?s ?clean up? event.

Weirdly, it went ahead last summer. It would be silly to stop travel in the summer as we all know from last summer the virus did not really spread then and that was without vaccines. So it prob would go ahead, now whether the government lets us leave to go there, well that's an entirely different matter.


Staff member
Hello All,

Apologies for the delay in drawing a winner.

Sat here this evening trying to decide on a shortlist and just couldn't, so many great entries -  so have entered everyone into

You won't believe this but it drew number 3  :eek: who is disqualified for accusing me of nagging so asked again and....

The winner is post 50 - Psychocrawler - congratulations!!

Great photo by Pete Bolt of yours truly in former times to remind me never to go there again.

Please PM me to arrange getting your book to you.

Thanks to everyone who took part - especially Pitlamp for beating the technology and uploading an avatar  (y) (y) ;)