Win a copy of the excellent Karst, Caves & People!!


Staff member
By Nadja Zupan Hajna

From the Introduction:

This beautifully illustrated book on caves and karst is both timely and welcome because its appearance helps to satisfy the public curiosity that will be aroused in 2021 by 'International Year of Caves and Karst'....

(y) Our thanks to Roo Walters for giving us this copy as a competition prize  (y)
I'm envious of the winner, as having read through it and enjoyed both the text and the wonderful photographs I wish I had a copy.

The forum has been particularly busy during lockdown, we've welcomed new members, both cavers and those from the mining community and I've noticed a number of interesting avatars appearing.  Plus we have a number of excellent ones already.  I've also received messages asking how to post photos, so with Roo's approval, I'm going to run a competition to hopefully encourage folks to add/update/describe their avatar and/or learn how to post a photograph.....

To be in with a chance of winning the book (and remember, the UKC competitions are providing a bit of fun and entertainment to folks during lockdown, everyone who takes part, even if it to 'like' a post is helping, thank you  (y)  (y)

1) Add an Avatar (if you haven't already - yes including you, Badlad!)
2) Update your Avatar if you fancy a change
3) Keep your current one

and...tell us about why you chose that avatar...

Or, if you'd prefer not to say anything about your avatar but still want to enter, simply post a photograph on the subject of:
Caves, Karst & People'.  Though you still need to have an avatar to enter.

(How to post photographs here:

One entry per person. Closing date 10pm Sunday 21st March.

Shortlist to be chosen by me, then over to

Good luck!!



Staff member

My avatar photo was taken during the filming of an episode of Fierce Earth for Cbeebies with Gavin Newman, Tom Chapman and I think the presenter was called Dougal?  Shot was taken when we set off, when I was still warm - it was bloody freezing as it took ages and I'd have been blue if the photo was taken when we came out  ;) - an interesting day down the Churns to the Bridge  :)


Well-known member
My avatar was taken after 4 days in the Laotian jungle on expedition with Snablet, Dave Ramsey and Adam Spillane.

The march back through the jungle to the nearest village in sweltering heat with an injured Adam and a less than 100% Dave chasing down our vietnamese chums who move ridiculously well across that terrain, left me very dehydrated and extremely hungry.

Somehow Adam snapped this shot of me actually looking semi-decent, and I now use it on everything as my avatar.

Luckily you can?t smell photos


Staff member
I never got around to choosing an avatar.  Sounds like exhausting work.  However, I was one of the Airedale Badlads back in the day.  What good times they were.


Well-known member
My avatar was taken when I had a short-lived stint as an ecclesiastical crooner with an acute tobacco habit, together with pyromaniacal tendenices - back in the 60s. So far as I can remember anyway.


Well-known member
My avatar picture was taken before the start of the COVID pandemic. Lock down closures of hairdressers, beauticians and dentists have not been good for my appearance since then, so I won't be updating it any time soon.
Some people have suggested I resemble one of the Morlock stars of the 1960 film of The Time Machine by H G Wells. Very flattering of them, but I don't see it myself. Coincidentally, I do spend a lot of my time underground and have a healthy diet based on captured Eloi.


My avatar is a painting by the late and much-missed Maggie Williamson. She painted the picture from a photo of me taken by Maggie's husband, Brian, when we were heading upstream in Calf Holes on a very wet day in the Dales. Maggie was a very sensitive artist who was able to capture the experience of caving, often more effectively than with a camera. Although she usually worked from photographs, she sometimes brought her paints and easel underground, and I have a fond memory of her working away below Boss Aven in Giants Hole, while the rest of us were exploring deeper into the system. Happy days!


Well-known member
An underground adventure starts the moment I leave my house. The journey takes me great distances through and to many beautiful places. Not all roads are metalled. I have gear to take. I have dirty gear and a dirty me to bring home. The perfect vehicle is an old Range Rover.



I changed my avatar today because when you emerge from a cave you can often say ............


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Well-known member
So I choose my avatar because I am a refugee from aditnow I usually have a stunning man made feature from a mine with me perched in front of it , so I am just trying to fit in  :LOL:

Roger W

Well-known member
I'm afraid my current avatar is just a photo of me. Before that, I had a little self-portrait...


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Well-known member
My avatar is a reminder of my early years and building up my reading skills. After Janet and John books 1, 2 and 3, I went on to widen my reading skills with "Miss Jones Takes Up Rock Climbing" and, ultimately, "Mummy Shows Daddy How To Go Down". Here she is showing Daddy the difference between two easily confused words.

Mark Wright

Well-known member
My Avatar is a photograph taken by Chris Blakeley on my last snowboarding trip in Prapoutel, on the opposite side of the valley to the Dent de Crolles with Bob Toogood and Colin Boothroyd. I did actually manage to land this particular jump without falling over, unlike the 3 previous attempts.

Just a year to go before I next get a chance.


Duncan Price

Active member
For the purpose of winning this competition (!) I have set my avatar to be the Lego? minifigure drawn by Stuart Gardener based up a photo of me wearing the infamous P1SS rebreather from this photo taken by Pete Mulholland in Linley Caverns limestone mine a well known, but currently out-of-bounds mine diving location in the Midlands.


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Well-known member
My avatar is a photo of the little devil sculpture outside the Marienkirche in Lubeck on the German Baltic coast. I was working in the country for six months helping to survey the roads for sat-navs. The image appealed to me some how. The statue is there to celebrate the local tale of the devil being tricked into building the church, believing it to be a wine bar!


Well-known member
I am fortunate to already have a copy of Nadja's wonderful book and can thoroughly recommend owning a copy!

My avatar is very descriptive. Not only does it let you know which caving club I belong to but it even helps you identify me in a crowd :)