Caving Wiki


SamT said:
so you think the wiki is a waste of time then paul

No - not at all. I've actually added and edited stuff on ti already.

What I think is a bad idea is putting across the idea that it becomes one of a number of various Cave Registries. There's no harm having information on caves on the Wiki (in fact that is a good idea) but we will always need a Registry giving a definitive record of all caves (and mines).

In order to be Definitive, there can only be one central source - it may be mirrored at various locations to provide back-up, assist performance etc. but there must be one place to add and update information which is the available at all mirror locations.


bubba said:
So what is the definitive central resource, and who is in charge of keeping it current?

In the Peak District, John Beck.

Elsewhere I don't know.

If there is a caving region that hasn't any (and are you sure there isn't!) then maybe the Wiki would be a good place to start.

However, lets not duplicate the work being done by John in the Peak.


Is John Beck's stuff available online, or in some digital format?

If not, perhaps it would be good to make it available?


bubba said:
Is John Beck's stuff available online, or in some digital format?

If not, perhaps it would be good to make it available?

You know who to ask - John himself!


A bit of a tip to avoid potential problems If the cave is called something like for example Gough's Cave, use the apostrophy in the cave name for the article or internal link. Otherwise we may get duplications or broken links. Or maybe it would be better to drop the apostrophy  :-\


paul said:
bubba said:
Is John Beck's stuff available online, or in some digital format?

If not, perhaps it would be good to make it available?

You know who to ask - John himself!
Can somebody who knows him ask him? I'm sure somebody said he was happily giving out CD based versions a while back.



Come on people - there's only a few people contributing despite quite a few of you signing up to the wiki.

Everyone will have something to contribute, it doesn't have to be anything major...


Well-known member
If only I had the time!
I'm working on something but need to do a little research - which is going very slowly.

I think more people will contribute when the wiki stops being a 'test' and becomes permenant. They may be worried about their work disappearing if the test wiki is not successful. A chicken and egg situation.

ian mckenzie

New member
I noticed that alot of content under History/People actually links you into a page on Wikipedia.  That's a little confusing, since if you do a Search (or anything else) whilst on one of those pages, you are actually searching in Wikipedia rather than back in the UKcaving wiki site.  Would it not be preferable to cut/paste from Wikipedia into a new page that resides within the UKcaving wiki site? 


Huge said:
I think more people will contribute when the wiki stops being a 'test' and becomes permenant. They may be worried about their work disappearing if the test wiki is not successful. A chicken and egg situation.

Since the trial has worked so well, I'm definitely going to keep the wiki now. The only thing to get sorted is integrating the logins with the forum logins. Apart from that it's now live so don't worry about things dissapearing.


ian mckenzie said:
I noticed that alot of content under History/People actually links you into a page on Wikipedia.  That's a little confusing, since if you do a Search (or anything else) whilst on one of those pages, you are actually searching in Wikipedia rather than back in the UKcaving wiki site.  Would it not be preferable to cut/paste from Wikipedia into a new page that resides within the UKcaving wiki site? 

It might be worth making external links open in a new window to prevent such confusion?

I'm not entirely sure of the copyright position if things are copied verbatim from wikipedia...

ian mckenzie

New member
bubba said:
It might be worth making external links open in a new window to prevent such confusion?
  You could copy verbatim from Wikipedia and credit them as the source, eliminating the need for any external link.  Although wikipedia is careful about not violating copyright, I do not know if they claim copyright themselves.  Would be easy to check tho.

OR, you could do as Wikipedia does... at the bottom of the page have a header entitled External Links, and list the Wikipedia (or other www) links there.  But each UKcaving/wiki page should have at least some content of its own, I should think.


ian mckenzie said:
OR, you could do as Wikipedia does... at the bottom of the page have a header entitled External Links, and list the Wikipedia (or other www) links there.  But each UKcaving/wiki page should have at least some content of its own, I should think.
yup, that sounds like the way to go imo.



I've been away but thanks to those who've been editing away over the weekend :)

It's already expanding in surprising ways - I wouldn't have expected to see the history of Bristol Water company to be posted up already for instance.

If you want to keep abreast of recent changes, use this page:


I must say it is looking good and I promise to add something when I can get some free time. I think I may have an article or two lying around somewhere.

One thing though, I don't know what other people think, but a thing that does irritate me is clicking on a link only to find that the page has no contents. If a page is being added, then some content should be added even if it is only the a few lines.
Even if it is only along the lines of:

Ogof Carno
A right shit hole.
Best avoided at all costs
