Caving Wiki


bubba said:
Come on people, get editing - we need this thing to grow....
Indeed. Ultimately, the wiki will be what we, the users, make it. So lets get on with it and see what happens.



Active member
bubba said:
She's a rather nice CMS:

Branched from Mambo and now a completely seperate development. The 1.5 beta has just been released and I'm playing with it now.

On a test server I managed to get the Joomla/SMF/Gallery logins all integrated, and I know somebody has written a MediaWiki interface too, so theoretically it should all work...of course, it'll probably be a nightmare to actually get working but hey, it's about time I actually learned PHP properly rather than just blagging it.

Can someone translate this for me ?


Active member
Rhys said:
bubba said:
Come on people, get editing - we need this thing to grow....
Indeed. Ultimately, the wiki will be what we, the users, make it. So lets get on with it and see what happens.

I'll be taking some entrance photos this weekend, I'll also take some pics of Hitch n Hike


New member
Cave_Troll said:
bubba said:
She's a rather nice CMS:

Branched from Mambo and now a completely seperate development. The 1.5 beta has just been released and I'm playing with it now.

On a test server I managed to get the Joomla/SMF/Gallery logins all integrated, and I know somebody has written a MediaWiki interface too, so theoretically it should all work...of course, it'll probably be a nightmare to actually get working but hey, it's about time I actually learned PHP properly rather than just blagging it.


Can someone translate this for me ?


Cave_Troll said:
bubba said:
She's a rather nice CMS:

Branched from Mambo and now a completely seperate development. The 1.5 beta has just been released and I'm playing with it now.

On a test server I managed to get the Joomla/SMF/Gallery logins all integrated, and I know somebody has written a MediaWiki interface too, so theoretically it should all work...of course, it'll probably be a nightmare to actually get working but hey, it's about time I actually learned PHP properly rather than just blagging it.

Can someone translate this for me ?

Sorry - Joomla is a Content Management System. It will be used to manage the main pages of ukCaving. (In fact, the wiki is also a CMS, but a very specific one).

When I say it was branched from Mambo, I mean: Mambo is another CMS from which Joomla originally grew, but is now a seperate system.

When I say beta, I mean the Joomla software isn't a full release yet - beta versions are usually relatively stable, but will still have bugs and other issues that need fixing before it's released into the public domain.

The stages of software release usually go alpha --> beta --> release candidatem --> final release. If you look at the bottom of this page, you'll see that the forum software is "1.1 RC3" which just means the 3rd Release Candidate. The next iteration of the forum software will be 1.1 final.

When I talk about integrated logins, what I mean is that a user only needs one username/password and only needs to login once in order to have access to the forums, the gallery, the CMS and the wiki.

Hope that helps!


andymorgan said:
paul said:
bubba said:
There's nothing to stop the wiki growing into some sort of registry, it's just that I don't think it should be it's main purpose to begin with, as there are other registries around.

Agreed. An incomplete registry is of little use, so one central up to date registry is best. Whether the format is a Wiki or not is a separate issue.

But who is doing one? If nobody else is, then the UKCaving one, will be of use. If it is incomplete, then users can add things: that is the whole point of a wiki.

For the Peak District, John Beck has been maintaining the Cave Registry for many years. No, it isn't online, yet, but it is a complete source of reference.


c**tplaces said:
Nothing wrong with 'disparate' cave databases, what if the existing cavedatabase is busy or got hacked, it could be done in a way that would render backups all bad.

The trick is to replicate changes or hi-light out of date information. This wiki is powerfull stuff, when linking to very important information more then one source maybe a good idea. This mediawiki actually has details for intergrating into phpBB, has the admin looked for intergration into simple machines forum? It was simple enough, just a referance to phpbb_users saves on multiple user DB's.

Maybe on the forum the areas (mendip etc) could have a link to the wiki area.

[quote author=Cave_Troll]
maybe there is space for both if one tries to be the definitive reference, and the other becomes "selected caves guide" type thing...[/quote]

In order for an online database to work effectively there must be only one (or at least one per caving region) otherwise the information will never be complete - or even worse not in agreement.

You can still have extracts from the central database, say most popular caves, larger systems, etc. along the lines of "Selected Caves".

As an analogy, there is already a huge amount of infomation on caves, digs, etc in Caving Club newsletters, periodicals and other publications. How easy is it to find information on one particular cave unless you happen to have the reference to a specific publication?

Take for example Owl Hole in Derbyshire (I know it isn't a lage system (at present!) but it is important as it adds to the knowledge of the hydrology of the Dowall Dale area. It is listed as "lost" in the last issue of "Caves of the Peak District" but has been extended significantly in the last few years. That information is currently on in Caving Club log books and newsletters - so not easily found BUT is also the Peak Cave Registry as the details were sent to John Beck.



paul said:
For the Peak District, John Beck has been maintaining the Cave Registry for many years. No, it isn't online, yet, but it is a complete source of reference.

Hate to be morbid - but what happens to it , you know , in the future.


SamT said:
paul said:
For the Peak District, John Beck has been maintaining the Cave Registry for many years. No, it isn't online, yet, but it is a complete source of reference.

Hate to be morbid - but what happens to it , you know , in the future.

The point I'm making isn't that John Beck is maintaining the Cave Resgistry, it is that there is a central database for the Peak and most cavers know about it. It doesn't matter who is maintaining it, what matters is that there is a single resource.

Obviously of an individual no longer continues to maintain the information it will become out of date and probably lost. There's no reason to suspect that this will happen with the Peak Cave Cave Registry - I'm sure that there are more than enough willing volunteers to take u[ the cause if it is needed in the future for whatever reason.

If you have many resources to be kept up to date, you simply either have duplication of effort or many disparate collections of information.

Look at the pages and pages and pages of information on the World Wide Web on many subjects - it maybe possible to find what you are looking for using Google, but finding specific, detailed, up to date information which is also correct is not as easy as most people imagine...


Active member
historically this is the problem with websites, they tend to fall out of being maintained.
Wikis hope to avoid that trap


Cave_Troll said:
historically this is the problem with websites, they tend to fall out of being maintained.
Wikis hope to avoid that trap

Yes Wikis do help in keeping things up to date - we use one at work as a central location for putting up tips and useful information.

The media used is not the pooint I'm concerned about.

If you have many Wikis (or any other method) - which one should you update? Surely you don't propose repeating the same information over and over on different websites and then have to re-visit each one each time there is a change?



The only reason I started this wiki is because we have a fairly active, uk-wide community of cavers on this board. I know it's still fairly small but it is growing all the time.

Hopefully this will continue and the wiki will be a valid resource. If it turns out that it becomes only occasionally updated, or is just one of many similar resources, then it can be taken down.


Cave_Troll said:
I'll be taking some entrance photos this weekend, I'll also take some pics of Hitch n Hike

Did you work out how to upload pics? I have some cave entrance pics I want to add too.

bubba said:
Come on people, get editing - we need this thing to grow....

I would add more, if I know it wont all be deleted as it is experimental. When will the playing stop, and the real thing start!


There's an upload link at the bottom left of the page, in the toolbox

It's only experimental as in "is it worth bothering with?" - nothing will get deleted unless it's by another user. If this goes well then it will become the "real thing".


Cheers Bubba.

I think this Wiki is an excellent addition by you.

In response to Paul, ok there is a cave registry for the Peak, and none for other areas. None are published online yet, and I doubt if some ever will. Like Rhys said if people want to make a registry type section let them get on with it. This Wiki will never claim to be a definitive reference. However if bits are missing people know about then they can add them on, many hands make light work etc..


andymorgan said:
Cheers Bubba.

I think this Wiki is an excellent addition by you.

In response to Paul, ok there is a cave registry for the Peak, and none for other areas. None are published online yet, and I doubt if some ever will. Like Rhys said if people want to make a registry type section let them get on with it. This Wiki will never claim to be a definitive reference. However if bits are missing people know about then they can add them on, many hands make light work etc..

There are ones for other areas, I know of South Wales, Mendip and Scotland.

I was given permission, from Dick Grindley of the Grampian who has put a lot of work into compiling it, to add the Sottish one to the Cave Database. Select Sotland from the dropdown here.



bubba said:
The only reason I started this wiki is because we have a fairly active, uk-wide community of cavers on this board. I know it's still fairly small but it is growing all the time.

Hopefully this will continue and the wiki will be a valid resource. If it turns out that it becomes only occasionally updated, or is just one of many similar resources, then it can be taken down.

I think it's a great idea and hopefully it will take off.
The fact that people can update the site with articles and pictures and the like mean that people are more likely to add stuff to it.

It would be an ideal place for clubs and individuals to upload anything they wish to publish but lack the webspace to do it.


Keep it up folks - it's shaping up nicely already, and it's only been a week or so.