More questions on Bradwell Catchment


As I'm in contact with John Gunn fairly regularly I've emailed him with the details of the proposed symposium and will let the forum know when I hear from him (if he doesn't post himself).


Further to my earlier post John Gunn is happy to come to the proposed symposium and talk on the Bradwell Catchment. It should be feasible to do some work on the issues there so long as people are prepared to help out with water tracing.


Well-known member
A two-dayer would be a bit too much of a marathon, plus domestic harmony decrees that I could only do a single day!  Phil or I can let Jim Rieuwerts know, we can also mention it to John Barnatt though his weekends tend to get booked up well in advance...


I agree with AR that 2 days at Litton may be overkill, but I wonder if there is any mileage in having a surface examination of the area in question on the day prior to the symposium? It's a few years since I was last up around Hazard and Hollandtwine and some of the other sites mentioned aren't too familiar to me. I know that the main participants will know them intimately but it would help attendees to fix the issues in their minds more clearly imho.


Well-known member
I'm seeing Jim Rieuwerts this afternoon, so I can show him this and see if he's interested.

T pot 2

Active member
Ok folks I will look at booking Litton Village Hall on either sat 2nd or sun 3rd of april. Will post when a final date is available.

T pot

Mrs Trellis

Well-known member
If it's going to be one day then may I suggest you keep it to the Bradwell catchment and perhaps look to have another day on the Wormhill area. I'm interested in both but we're away on April 3rd.


Active member
Will there be a write-up of this Symposium?
I have nothing to add to the discussion, but I AM interested in any conclusions that might be drawn.

T pot 2

Active member
Litton Village Hall is booked for the event on 3rd April registration will commence at 09.00 with view to starting the spots for speakers at 10.30. If you wish to speak or give a presentation it would be an advantage to let me know before the date on how long a spot  you will require to do so. There will be a small charge of ?3.00 per person, this will give you tea, coffee in abundance through the day and a lunch time meal of chillie or soup and a bun.

I am hoping that we will have some guest speakers during the day.

But a loose format will be

09.00 Registration

10.30 speakers start (in periods of 15 mins each) unless time allows for more

12.30 break for refreshments

13.30 speakers resume  (in periods of 15 mins each)  unless time allows for more

15.30 recap and any other questions

16.00 Thoughts on access and the way forward

17.00 close

If there are any thoughts on changes to the above mail me.

Hope this suits most folk.

T pot

PS if you require techno gear please mail me because if you can't bring your own I'll have to source it.


Well-known member
I'm hoping to attend; SWMBO hasn't got anything booked for that day to the best of my knowledge. I've also let John Barnatt and Chris Heathcote know.


New member
bugger Easer Sunday. I'm on a family holiday that week. I'll have to send some stuff along. Will anyone do some minutes/write ups?


Well-known member
Jim Rieuwerts has indicated that he should be able to make it, though I'll keep pestering to make sure he doesn't forget. Hopefully Tony Marsden too.


New member
D'oh o_O well spotted Rob before I book the wrong ferry tickets...
Might see if I can be back for this now  :)


Well-known member
cavermark said:
bugger Easer Sunday. I'm on a family holiday that week. I'll have to send some stuff along. Will anyone do some minutes/write ups?

This is a very good point. These gatherings are always excellent but time then goes by and memories fade - it all becomes forgotten. This is a real shame (and an opportunity missed).

A long time ago we held a similar gathering (perhaps a bit more formal, under BCRA's banner) on the Peak Cavern system. But before the event we asked all those who were doing a presentation to contribute a written version so it could all be published. The result was it filled a full edition of BCRA Cave Science - and this particular journal is still regularly consulted by Peak District exploring cavers.

I'm not suggesting anything quite so ambitious for the Bradder gathering but I'm sure some publication somewhere would be only too pleased to include it. If it gets recorded properly it'll have so much more value.

The key thing is to ask folk to write stuff down before they give presentations; that way it's easier to write as it's all very much in the mind.

One other suggestion; often the Q & A sessions at the end of each presentation bring out many more interesting facts. It's also worth recording these in some way on the day (perhaps with a voice recorder or someone who is good at shorthand?)

That date's in a busy period for me and I doubt I can get there myself but it'd be great to think it's all going to appear in print, to peruse at leisure.


I am attending the symposium so if contributors were to put together a written version of their talk I would be prepared to collate and edit them together with details of questions and answers. Ideally I would like to get it out there as a special edition of The Derbyshire Caver but I doubt that finance would be available for a print copy. However, I could produce it as a PDF for download from the DCA website as with other publications (subject to the approval of my colleagues on DCA Council of course). As Pitlamp says, it could provide a very useful reference on the Bradwell catchment for the future.

Mike Higgins
DCA Newsletter Editor / Publications Officer


Well-known member
It would be great to see such a thing published by DCA - the association used to hold such gatherings periodically. (Anyone remember the "DCA Congress" concept? They should be restarted.)

It would be good if at least some printed versions were to be produced though, to ensure it found its way into caving club libraries.


Well-known member
Given that there is significant mining interest, if there is going to be publication then a joint venture between DCA and PDMHS is a possibility (subject to PDMHS council approval, of course!)  - we've done various joint publications with Mercian Geology.