"The Economic Miracle of China" Is the pollution worth it?

cap n chris

Well-known member
Here's a thought. How would the world view either China or India if either nation had a foreign policy anywhere close to that of the US-"Let's Bomb the fcuk out of brown people"-of-A, and its lickspittles*?

* UK etc..


New member
Peter Burgess said:
Mr. Whitlackington will never make it as a journalist. Not only did I read this hours ago on another news site, it seems you just nick other people's news stories. you have to go out there and find the news stories yourself, or better still, make it! Fancy a trip to Harare?

Well, I would like,
one day to go for a holiday to Zimbabwe,
however I would not want to go until the tyrannical Mugabe Regime is removed.
Hopefully by democracy.(recent election + world pressure)
The poor, abused people of that country will need a lot of help to recover from this regime.
One friend of mines father was stationed in Rhodesia doing aircraft maintenance, during W.W.2.
This chap claimed it was the most peaceful and pleasant place he had ever visited.
Their undoubted natural wealth will see them through in the end,
unless The Chinese strip them bare first.
On present form, my money would be on The Chinese eating their country, while trying to give the impression of "helping The Zimbabweans".

Is it possible that The peace loving chinese regime is about to arm the peace loving mugabe regime 

"Meanwhile, South African officials have confirmed to the BBC that a Chinese ship anchored off the port of Durban does contain arms destined for Zimbabwe.

The officials said South Africa could not interfere in a trade deal between two nations but only ensure proper procedures were followed. "

"Reports say the Chinese cargo ship, the An Yue Jiang, anchored off Durban is carrying 3m rounds of ammunition and 1,500 rockets."

Amazing that Mugabe "needs" rockets
when his people do not have jobs or enough to eat.


New member
It would be really nice if many governments would tell The Chinese Regime to withdraw The An Yue Jiang from African waters and return their evil cargo to China.
Or else they can go STUFF themselves on their own at their Olympics.

cap n chris

Well-known member
...er, given that we, the UK, export about ?6billion per year in military armaments, perhaps you'd care to re-arrange the following words:

Kettle, black, pot, calling, the.


Active member
given that we, the UK, export about ?6billion per year in military armaments

I believe that during the Iran/Iraq war we managed to supply both sides (according to a chap I know in the munitions industry - which, incidentally, is pretty well defunct now). One side directly, the other side indirectly, via a third party (France).

Wouldn't have been profitable to do anything else, would it?


New member
This whole thread appears to consist of Mr. Whitelackington making a point only to have it shot down in atmosphere-polluting flames. Makes you wonder why he even bothers really...  :unsure:


New member
speleomonkey said:
This whole thread appears to consist of Mr. Whitelackington making a point only to have it shot down in atmosphere-polluting flames. Makes you wonder why he even bothers really...  :unsure:
Most people prefer to bury their heads in the sand.
It is often too difficult to think things through.
Evil regimes must be stood up to
whoever they are.

Human rights groups say they have found camps where people are being tortured for having voted "the wrong way"

Peter Burgess

New member
I would genuinely like to know how posting up news items on a caving forum is going to make any serious difference. What 'stand' is being made? Who feels better as a result of the post? This is a genuine question.


New member
whitelackington said:
Evil regimes must be stood up to
whoever they are.

Human rights groups say they have found camps where people are being tortured for having voted "the wrong way"

You're right, they should be stood up to, but what difference is this going to make? The people who should be standing up to them are too afraid to do so, and with good reason!! If the news reports are to be believed, anyone causing even the slightest headache for Mugabe finds his own head being removed. As previously mentioned somewhere on the topic, the most effective way to deal both China and Zimbabwe would be to boycott trading, but, as also mentioned, this aint gunna happen any time soon...

In the case of Zimbabwe though, it seems to me the best thing to do would be to have our best XI give them a total drubbing on the Cricket pitch. That'll learn 'em  :tease:


Well-known member
I suppose, nothing is going to happen until those in power feel their power will be threatened if they don't do something. So as far as the UK goes, this means when MPs feel that their election success depends on it. Voting by itself doesn't achieve a lot - just one vote among many. Therefore, one needs to influence as many people as possible to think the same way. This, I presume, is what Whitelackington is trying to do.


New member
speleomonkey said:
As previously mentioned somewhere on the topic, the most effective way to deal both China and Zimbabwe would be to boycott trading, but, as also mentioned, this aint gunna happen any time soon...


Is what I meant Cap'n.


Active member
speleomonkey said:
In the case of Zimbabwe though, it seems to me the best thing to do would be to have our best XI give them a total drubbing on the Cricket pitch. That'll learn 'em  :tease:

And that's not very likely!    :(

cap n chris

Well-known member
speleomonkey said:
speleomonkey said:
As previously mentioned somewhere on the topic, the most effective way to deal both China and Zimbabwe would be to boycott trading, but, as also mentioned, this aint gunna happen any time soon...


Is what I meant Cap'n.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Zimbabwe actually buy a helluva lot of stuff off of us? - in which case, wouldn't it be to our major disadvantage to boycott trading with them? I can understand that a boycott might be of some effect were the trading deficit to be the other way around, though.


Active member
what do they buy of us out of interest? i would of thought mugabe would of rather chewed his own arm of then buy stuff of us?


New member
cap 'n chris said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Zimbabwe actually buy a helluva lot of stuff off of us? - in which case, wouldn't it be to our major disadvantage to boycott trading with them? I can understand that a boycott might be of some effect were the trading deficit to be the other way around, though.

Sure, it would be a disadvantage in the short term, but it might also have the desired effect. There will always be other buyers out there to make up the short-fall in the mean-time...

Unfortunately I think that there may be some truth in this; there will never come a time when our best XI is even remotely competent enough to pose even the slightest political threat to anyone ever again  :cautious:


New member
Good, looks like The Chinese Regime has eventually come to realize that withdrawing their evil cargo was their only option.  (y)


New member
Hughie said:
moocher said:
did anyone see the news yesterday on the new Olympic site (the birds nest) stadium. a visit from VIPs were shown round it an one lady commented its a stunning venue but the air quality may be a concern, especially for the endurance events. all around her you could only see 100 yards a real pea soup how the hell can the worlds elite compete in that

Likely the levels of pollution will be consistent for each event, so it'll still be representative.

Sod the olympics.  :mad:
Are you going to watch it on the tele then Hughie?


New member
whitelackington said:
Evil regimes must be stood up to whoever they are.

Why exactly? Who appointed us to do that?

In the 18th, 19th and 20th century  many euorpean countries had revolutions and overthrew their despotic governements. The French, Germans, Russians, Italians etc all did this.

If a country is in the hands of despot, then the people can rise up and deal with it. Or they can sit on their ar5es and wait for "someone else" to do it for them....at my expense.

No thanks, sort yer own country out thats what I say...... ;)
