A video thread on UK Caving?


Active member
Fulk said:
A bit belated, ttexla2 ? but I enjoyed watching your NAMHO video (we went on pretty much the same trips, but at different times).

What do you make of your new light (the latest (?) Fenix)?

Excellent, thanks. Would you believe I've not actually used the new light yet, although it may get an outing this weekend  ;)

Caver Keith

Well-known member
This is the first of 3 behind the scenes videos in which I aim to answer a number of the questions I?ve been asked over the last few years concerning my work.

In this, part 1, I will cover the equipment I use - cameras, lighting, sound recording and so on. In part 2 I will go over some top tips for budding cave videographers and in part 3 I will look at the massive importance of editing your recorded footage.


Caver Keith

Well-known member
In my video I mention flickering evident in my videos from some Scurion lamps.

I've just has a message from Rolf and have learned something new. The flickering only happens when one or both LED's are on the super-low power level 1 of 4. It's very easy to avoid by ensuring that no lamps on set are on their lowest setting. Top tip! Thanks Rolf.


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Now available in public for the first time.

Also on Youtube (sorry, it won't embed here no matter what I do)



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We were fortunate enough to spend 2 weeks holiday cave diving in Mexico just before Christmas and as usual, I rarely go underwater without a camera of some sort.

I've thrown together this little AV to show off the types of cave and the diving out there.

There is no story, no talking, no horrible overlay titles....just beauty and some inoffensive music.

If you have 7 minutes, stick it up on a big screen, turn the sound up and immerse yourself into an underwater Otter Hole on speed  :LOL:

I've called it 'Fairyland'.



Active member
A very gentle wander into the top entrance of OFDII, the main point being to try and get the video lighting right. Fulk may be interested to know that the lamp on my helmet was the Fenix light I bought at last years NAMHO and I was using my old RF NAMHO as a seperate video light (by the simple expedient of wedging it between the legs of my tripod).


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Here's my traditional annual caving roundup video containing some previously unseen footage.
It?s not been the most prolific year for the studios in terms of videos completed but it has been a very good year in other ways. I?ve completed a couple of commissions, gone back to my roots, won a prize and an award, completed a behind the scenes video which had been in the planning stage for a couple of years and got my best ever viewing figures on YouTube.


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown does have a silver lining.  As CK is in the COVID-19 ?increased risk? group, even when restrictions begin to be lifted he will be one of the last people to be granted freedom and no caving means no new CK videos! I can hear the collective sigh of relief from here.

Sorry but meanwhile I?ve been looking back through the video vaults and remembering the fun times I had making the videos and the great team of people from Dudley Caving Club who helped and encouraged me. I couldn?t help selecting my own personal favourites. I?ve picked 14 of them. They are not my most watched videos and they are not necessarily examples of my best work but each one has a very special meaning to me.

I aim to share one every five days or so. That should hopefully see me through this period of lockdown.

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown Video No. 14. Ogof Craig A Ffynnon (November 2010. Views 32.3K)

This video was my attempt at story telling. It is my first video to be narrated and I reluctantly (as I do not like the sound of my voice) recorded the narration myself. It was my first video to attract a significant number of comments with most of them being positive and encouraging. It definitely marked a turning point in the success of my YouTube channel. It also introduced a little known caver by the name of Mark Burkey to an unsuspecting world. The lad?s done quite good and achieved some modest success of his own since this first appearance.


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown Video No. 13. Ogof Rhyd Sych (May 2011. Views: 17K)

I?ve only ever visited this cave twice. After the first trip I vowed to never enter the cave again. This video was taken on the second trip. It was the first video where I used the catchphrase, ?Remember we do these caves so that you don?t have to.? Due to it?s highly constricted nature it wasn?t an easy cave to take video in. I was very pleased that what I was able to take really seemed to capture the essence of the cave. It was also the video in which I discovered that less is more. The more footage I ditched the better the video became. It?s pace and hence its watchability improved with every scene that hit the cutting room floor or was shortened. It?s also the first video in which I dabbled with editing tricks. Can you spot the clip which has been reversed? Next year it will be 10 years since I took this video. Now that the memories have dulled sufficiently for me perhaps I?ll give it another go, and I?d really love to take Chunky with me. I understand he's fitting ratchet straps to the caving corset.


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown Video No. 12 UK Caving Video Best Bests 2014 (December 2014. Views: 16K)

These videos are my personal favourites. They are not my most watched videos and they are not necessarily examples of my best work but each one has a very special meaning to me.

This one was my third annual roundup video. It was selected to be shown at the prestigious Kendal Mountain Festival in 2015. I really though I had hit the big time. I was invited to attend the Filmmaker?s Summit, all very heady stuff, but I?ve since come to realise that I?m not as good as I thought I was. As it turned out I couldn?t attend the summit as I was in the Major Trauma Unit of Southmead Hospital in Bristol recovering from a nasty fall . It?s still my favourite annual roundup video and it contains the Cavers? Rocket Boots advert - an essential accessory for nervous climbers.



Active member
My last jaunt before lockdown was brought in. A thoroughly pleasant gentle weekend in some North Wales slate mines in good company. Seems like a distant memory now, if in reality not very long ago at all.....


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown Video No. 11 Wet Chicks in Black Rubber (August 2013. Views 5K)

Subtitle: Getting down, getting dirty, and having fun!

My advice to anyone wanting to build a presence on YouTube is choose to title that is intriguing enough to rouse curiosity and this title certainly did that. The view rate took off quickly but judging from the comments it wasn?t really what the viewers were expecting to see.

I plagiarised the title from an advertising slogan for a university caving club - ?Wanna see hot chicks in black rubber?? The video is a cut down version of my Shakespeare?s Cave film featuring just the female members of the party in their black wetsuits.



Well-known member
Caver Keith said:
Lockdown Video No. 11 Wet Chicks in Black Rubber (August 2013. Views 5K)

Subtitle: Getting down, getting dirty, and having fun!

My advice to anyone wanting to build a presence on YouTube is choose to title that is intriguing enough to rouse curiosity and this title certainly did that. The view rate took off quickly but judging from the comments it wasn?t really what the viewers were expecting to see.

I plagiarised the title from an advertising slogan for a university caving club - ?Wanna see hot chicks in black rubber?? The video is a cut down version of my Shakespeare?s Cave film featuring just the female members of the party in their black wetsuits.


That's categorically the most cringy video title I've ever seen.

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown Video No. 10 So You Want To Go Caving? (April 2014. Views 340K)

Day 48 or thereabouts. My memory is fading. I think I was a caver once, or was it just a dream? Perhaps YouTube will provide the answer? Look there I am! It is true, isn't it, or is it just trick videography?

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that caving is not  everyone?s cup of tea. Over the years Dudley Caving Club has had a number of people join but only complete a single caving trip. They usually say something like, ?I?m glad I did it. If I had known what is was going to entail before I went I never would have gone. I?m really pleased I did it but I won?t be going again!?
In 2014 there weren?t many caving videos on YouTube for people who fancied giving it a try to watch. I made this video to show to potential new members of Dudley Caving Club so that no one else would get a nasty surprise when venturing underground for the first time. When it was first released it did get critical acclaim from the caving community but it will come as no surprise that the most frequent comment on YouTube is, ?No.?


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Lockdown Video No. 9 What It Takes To Get The Shot (September 2015. Views 5K)

This video is special to me because it was my first competition winner, it was awarded first place in the video salon at Hidden Earth 2015. It was a collaborative project with the Club photographers, Brendan and Mark. This video really pushed my editing skills and the finishing touches were being put to it on the competition deadline day.
