Inglesport Photographic Competition


Staff member



Inglesport were delighted with the result of last year's photographic competition so have asked if we can run it again!

Would you like to see one of your cave photographs printed and displayed in pride of place in Inglesport cafe and win a ?100 Inglesport voucher (sponsored by UKC)??

Enter your shots on this thread.  A shortlist will be compiled and UKC forum members asked to 'like' their favourites.

The winning shot will receive a ?100 Inglesport voucher + have their photograph printed by Inglesport.  Second and third place will also be printed.  After 12 months on display the winners can take their photograph to hang at home.

Competition open to any caver resident in the UK.
Max 3 entries per person.
Entries in by 10pm 19th July 2019.
Shortlisted entries will be posted 22nd July - voting (liking) will close 28th July.
The theme of this year's competition is EQUIPMENT (Inglesport do after all sell quite a lot of it!). Photographs taken at any time are eligible - so carbide lamps, rope ladders and wooly jumpers can feature  ;)
A brief (or not so brief, tell us more) description of where the photograph was taken is required.
Please post photographs at a reasonable size on the thread so can be easily viewed, however you will need the original in a high enough resolution to print successfully.



Active member
After some serious consideration (and consent gathering), I dug through my personal archives to find the most spectacular photo I have of a caver's equipment on display during expedition...

Deflowered Chamber, Bill Series, Flowerpot, Tresviso. A discovery made by the subject of the photograph.

:eek: :-[


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Well-known member
Unfortunately I?ve got a couple of more serious photos to enter than the above effort.

First is a photo with plenty of equipment going on, harnesses with cowstails being used via Ferrata style to keep punters on the bridge, helmets and obviously various flashguns scattered around. This is the second river crossing inside Hang Son Doong, Vietnam.


The second is a photo from the Vietnam expeditions team trip across the border into Laos in January this year. This virgin passage features not one but two Petzl Classique bags, a staple of all cavers kit stores for many years.




Staff member
Thanks for entering, Josh - for a while I was dreading Topino winning with his shot  :eek: :eek:

Topimo - you have two more entries allowed, anything more suitable for a cafe wall??  :LOL:

Thanks both for entering and supporting the forum's competitions  (y) (y)


Well-known member
Not for the competition, just couldn't help myself  :D
Mad Phil and Joe Daniels entering the fabulous Miao Room China.



Well-known member
Hmmm, it appears "equipment" is a tricky theme for me... I'll keep looking through but for now you'll have to wait with a "lack of equipment" entry:


Katie Eavis climbing old ladders out of the Moorwood Sough in Derbyshire. To get here you have to wade for ~60 minutes through water waist deep, so when reaching these ladders your body is often numb with cold. Not ideal conditions to then attempt this climb, especially if your mind is still very alert to the dangers!


Lots of equipment in use down Rowter Hole this weekend.

The culmination of several weekends of preparation and trials saw us pumping out Rowter Hole Sump. A report of the trips will appear here and/or in Descent soon.


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I don't have a lot including equipment but found this lovely shot of Mr Clive Westlake teaching the next generation of cave photographer.


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Staff member
Hi Cave Photographers, by 'equipment' we mean what you're wearing underground, SRT/ladders, photography, digging, diving etc.  It's an Inglesport competition (with ?100 voucher sponsored by UKC) -  if you have a decent photo of something Inglesport sell, why not enter - though cakes don't count but a flask of tea underground would  ;)

Good luck  (y)

Ian Ball

Well-known member
I think it would be hard to take a photo of a person underground without featuring something Inglesport sells.


I really like this photo (possibly because it is one out of hundreds which isn't blurry for once!).  I probably like it because it is on the way to a favourite trip of mine, but with fell runners, cavers and hikers in the same shot, that covers a few of the Inglesport sales arenas. 
However it isn't underground and I don't have a high res version for large scale printing so not really eligible, but I like to get involved  :-[



Well-known member
I'm going to give Topimo a run for his money:


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Well-known member
Here's my last entries, mostly of oversuits which i don't actually think are available anymore... 


Katie Eavis wading through a recently flooded section of P8


Jeff Wade traversing East Canal in Giant's Hole, Derbyshire



Well-known member
Well, Badlad, maybe it's a bit of a clich?'ed shot ? still, I think the sunbeams and the rope-climber lift it a bit out of the ordinary (but I would say that, wouldn't I).  :)


Fred Ratbag in OFD1, wearing a suit purchased in Inglesport!


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Well-known member
Last weeks push in izvor licanke.5 scooters, 3 rebreathers, a dozen dive cylinders, 2 expedition bags of camera and lighting kit, 2 dry tubes, half a dozen rocket tubes, camp kit, stove, food...loads kit!

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New member
Another clich? OFD Trident photo.
Sorry if this has been posted several times but posts have appeared to be failing.

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